Retention and Completion does not guarantee any retention or completion rates. Retention and completion rates displayed on’ website are approximations based on then current data. As the posting volume on Usenet increases and decreases’ retention may increase and decrease accordingly without notice.
Abuse Reports
Reports of abuse can be sent to
We cannot address incidents of spam or other abuse unless it was posted through the servers. We will need full article headers in order to investigate any report of abuse originating on our servers.
When we receive a valid abuse report about a member, our staff will take immediate action, as we feel necessary to ensure posting of the abusive material will cease.
This may include suspension of posting on the account where the posts originated, pending investigation of the report.
If it is clear to our staff that someone has signed up for service for the sole purpose of abusing our service, the account will be terminated immediately without notice or refund.
Other complaints will be reviewed by our abuse staff. Each member of our abuse staff will consider the circumstances of the posting, the newsgroup to which it was posted, and the number of complaints received about the posting. In certain cases, we may consider whether there was a malicious intent apparent in the abusive posting. In addition to other factors, our staff will evaluate whether the subject posting is consistent with the kind of service we have chosen to offer to consumers.
Our abuse staff almost always operates on a consensus basis. wishes to offer a flexible service that will meet the needs of our members. We do not wish to regulate or censor our members in any way. We do feel an obligation, however, to encourage appropriate use of our service and proper use of the newsgroups, to the mutual benefit of everyone that uses them.